I will be the first one to admit that I have had many wild and crazy nights in my 32 years on this earth. You will see none of them making a reappearance on any of my social networking sites. As tempting as it may be to post that hot photo of yourself drinking that shot, or posing in an inappropriate way wearing next to nothing, I urge you to back away from the “upload” button and reconsider. I guarantee you will garner a lot more respect from your friends, both guys and girls, by posting an inspirational quote or a photo of you doing something positive and fun. Nothing is more of a turn off to potential employers or even potential boyfriends, then a girl who lacks self-respect. The same goes for using foul language too! Nothing says “I lack class” then more using the “F” word in tweets and status updates.
So go ahead and reminisce about last Friday night with your girlfriends, but leave it chatter among friends and not a staple of your google history.
Miss Davis